BETA CAE Systems Releases v24.0.0 of Software Suite

This new release offers enhanced simulation capabilities.

This new release offers enhanced simulation capabilities.

With a focus on process acceleration, the release delivers high-performance tools, features, and optimized methods, the company reports. Image courtesy of BETA CAE Systems.

BETA CAE Systems has released a major version v24.0.0 of its product line, featuring ANSA, EPILYSIS, META, KOMVOS and FATIQ.

This new release offers enhanced simulation capabilities to address the complexities of design requirements. With a focus on process acceleration, the release delivers high-performance tools, features, and optimized methods, the company reports.

New Version Highlights

Solutions With ANSA

New Meshing algorithms are introduced in the new release. Mapblock Decomposition offers automatic decomposition into mappable sub-volumes, whereas identification and editing of Revolute FE Solids is now feasible via a dedicated functionality. A speed-up of middle mesh by distributing subparts workload has taken place in this release, all through a complete process managed by ANSA DM.

Similarly, placing the focus on computational fluid dynamics, a new, faster CFD meshing algorithm for the anisotropic mesh treatments and the core surface mesh areas has been implemented in Batch Mesh, coupled with an option to compare multiple batch mesh sessions to pinpoint different settings or synchronize selected mesh parameters. Size Field functionality specifies different maximum length at each box corner point and exports iso-surfaces out of the built Size Field and a new, semi-automatic tool allows for box creation for tubular models in Hexablock - Tubular Modeling.

Enhanced User Experience in META

The new release offers enhanced eXtended Reality, with the implementation of concurrent collaboration. In specific, cut planes, sketches and annotations, as well as streamlines—streaklines and iso-functions can be simultaneously created and edited. With the introduction of BETA Holographic Remote App, simulation can be directly matched with a physical model with the use of a QR code to overlay streamlines on the physical model.

In the field of Crash and Safety, following ANSA, Human Body Models are gaining ground also in META with a dedicated tool that allows for the calculation of Ribs Fracture Risk for GHBMC, SAFER and THUMS models, as a function of Rib Strain and Age. The Seat Impact tool has been further enhanced to post-process target points of Seat Impact analysis.

Reintroducing KOMVOS as an SPDM Desktop Client

KOMVOS and SPDRM join forces to present a user-friendly desktop client for Simulation Process and Data Management. This integration combined KOMVOS' features for model build with SPDRM’s data, process and issue management functionality.

Enhanced Calculation Methods With FATIQ

The new release comes with upgraded FATIQ features and implementations. For instance, E-N (Strain Life) analysis is further expanded, based on linear stresses in time domain. Plasticity correction can also take place through Neuber equations, as well as Smith - Watson - Topper and Morrow mean stress correction methods.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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